Louisville, KY - Butchertown Studio + Clayton & Crume

When Katie sent me a text to tell me it was “game on” for our next session together, I was obsessed. Describing her inspiration as “dark, moody vibes” with a touch of glam…Katie was looking for bad-bitch, but nice-girl vibes where EVERYONE has a seat at the table. And girl, you know I’m here for that all day long. We spent the morning in the studio creating these gorgeous mood-board (and disco ball) inspired vignettes, then hopped down the road to take over Clayton & Crume’s bar for a loungy-Louisville-luxury feel. Katie launched her courses immediately after and said - “this was a NEXT-LEVEL session for me!”. To have a front seat watching this lady trailblaze is such a gift!


Maizie Clarke Watercolor Artist Brand Session


Robert Wright, Intellectual Property Attorney